Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sources and Designs: Chapters 17 & 18

Chapter seventeen is relevant to the second writing project because we are required to use some form of a source. Whether it is from a book, a journal, or through the Internet, it is best to know how to use these sources in order to make the paper a lot more interesting and make the paper be more concrete. Like Palquist says, “Your sources can help you introduce ideas, contrast the ideas of authors with your own, provide evidence for your points, define concepts, illustrate processes, clarify statements, set a mood, provide examples, and qualify or amplify a point” (572). According to many sources, including this book, people can present the information through a quotation, paraphrasing, or summarizing, using numerical information, and also visual illustrations can help make a paper more sound and draw the readers in. This chapter is important and relevant to the current assignment because if we are not using the sources correctly or even using any sources at all is important, it could mess up the entire paper and would lead to a low grade to a failing one. In order to make a paper real nice, you have to know how to use the sources in order to make a strong paper. Being able to use sources in this assignment is important not only for this assignment or even this class, it is important because we will always be asked to use sources in our papers and it is how we use them that will decide if we get the A or B and below.
Chapter eighteen is relevant because we are writing in blogs. Since we are mostly turning in electronic assignments and most of it through a blog, it is important that we know how to set the tone for the audience of said blog(s). By using this wonderful website we are able to pretty much do whatever we want with the posts that we post. We are able to add pictures and videos and we are also able to change the font and color of the words. But I think that the real neat aspect of using a blog is that you are able to choose a theme for the background of your blog. All of these components matter when it comes to writing a specific blog. For example, if the blog were to be about music, it would be best to have a background with musical note or instruments to suit the tone of the blog, but what I learned from this chapter was that everything matters and counts when writing a document or a blog in my case. The fonts, colors, margins, and everything matters. If something is off or wrong it could make the whole document different than what you would have wanted on the blog. Being able to know where to put the spacing and where to place the picture matters and that will help me in making sure that I am doing my assignment correctly.
I will be using these chapters as guides to help catch my mistakes and hopefully make a better paper.

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