“Walking Dead” is a series that started out with real promise, but after AMC fired Frank Darabont -the creator and writer of the series- the show went downhill and really didn’t reach the same potential as the first season had. In the first season, there are a lot of strong characters and each have their own stories to share as they travel from Atlanta to the northern part of Georgia, they encounter many zombies, many abandon cars and corpses scattered on the roads and in the cities. The leader and one of the many protagonists of the group is Rick Grimes. He was sheriff’s deputy when the whole epidemic started. The story really begins when he wakes up on a hospital bed after being shot and was in a mini coma. The entire hospital has been abandoned and there are scars of what is left of the people that once worked there and the sick people. The main purpose of the first few episodes is for Rick to find his wife Lori and his son Carl. He does find them and his next plan is to get them somewhere safe. But that comes to be a hard thing to accomplish because there really isn’t a place that is safe anymore. He finds his family with his best friend and co-worker, Shawn Walsh. The other people in the group are Andrea (feisty and usually stubborn), Glenn (the adorable Asian that wants to make everyone happy), Daryl (the experienced tracker and hunter, also ill- tempered), Dale (the grandfatherly type), and a few more. The main point of the first season is that it was the best. It had a great storyline; it was giving a lot of detail and allowed for the characters to act “real.”
As for the second season, since they changed writers, the whole story went in a different direction. What was most evident in the show was that the new writer, Glen Mazzara, made all the female characters to be whiny, very reliant of men, always running off into trouble, and always in need of rescuing. Compared to the first season, the women are portrayed in a very stereotypical manner. And as for the men they were all strong in character. They were always there to help the women and keep them safe. In this season the men won the popular vote any day over the women. This is pretty sad when you think about it. The second season dragged for a long time before it got “decently good.” The last two or three episodes are the ones to watch. There are lots of action and lots of death. Some of the important characters die, which is sad, but it had to happen at some point or another. The only thing that was good about this season was that the characters find out that there is a different strain of the virus that infected the zombies. Now they no longer had to be attack and bitten, to turn into one themselves. And that my friend is what keeps me waiting for Netflix to put season three on their website.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0e/TheWalkingDeadPoster.jpg |
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